Method for selecting lubricant for outer spherical bearing


Method of selecting lubricant for outer spherical bearings Bearings require lubricants to slow down their damage during high-speed operation, and also to make bearings smoother. The method of selecting the lubricant for the outer spherical bearing is mainly divided into two steps. The following is a detailed introduction to the outer spherical bearing manufacturer.

Outer spherical bearing selection lubricant method
1. The choice of lubricating oil for outer spherical bearings is particularly important because it plays an important role and its mechanical properties are particularly demanding during use. Generally, rub the lubricant between two fingers or apply a thin layer of lubricant to the bearing surface and seal it. Then use spherical bearings, oil lubricated oil and new oil to allow the impregnator to spin at low speed for a few minutes.
2. In order to ensure the purity of the lubricating oil, the manufacturer must also filter in advance before lubrication. It has been used in the daily production process and has achieved corresponding results. However, it is important to note that the grease lubricant used in the replacement of the outer spherical bearing should avoid the use of any part of the cotton material to contact the bearing, because these residual fibers may be squeezed between the rolling and the gap, especially for the application of small bearings. this problem.
The effect of the lubricant on the bearing is very important, so be careful when purchasing the outer spherical bearing lubricant. The above is a detailed introduction to the method of selecting lubricants for outer spherical bearings, and I hope to help everyone.